Trade in value for game

30/08/2011 00:02

One of the most difficult aspects of e mini trading is maintaining a consistent trading style throughout the course of the day. At face value, this does not seem like a terribly difficult task to accomplish. You know how to trade, you trade nearly every day, the market presents similar opportunities every day. It should be a piece of cake, right?I wish it were true, but it isn't.Imagine this scenario; one morning the market presents three very enticing, high percentage trade setups and you enter each one of these setups using proper technique. Unfortunately, trading is a percentage game, and on this day your trades fell on the wrong side of the percentage continuum. You find your trading account down $800.Here is where the problem starts, because most traders become anxious about getting their account balance back to even. Many traders become over anxious in their pursuit of rectifying their account woes. Even worse, many traders want to get back to even as soon as possible. Let's face it, losing money is no fun and can be emotionally disturbing. It's no different for traders, and they frequently react in a manner that causes disastrous results. Many traders will become overaggressive in their trading style and choose trades that are lower percentage trades and increase the number of contracts past proper money management guidelines. After all, all they need is one good trade to get back to even. Unfortunately, lower percentage trades are less likely to be profitable and more likely to result in a loss. This is compounded by the trader having added additional contracts to his low percentage trade. The result: a disaster. Account meltdown.I have witnessed this phenomenon on more occasions than I care to admit. I can't count the number of times I have advised traders "don't try to get it back all at once." A wise trader would stick to his trading methodology and slowly work himself back into profitability, or at least mitigate his losses. The last thing a trader needs to do is to place himself in a position where he or she will compound their losses.It is well established that a trader's emotions play a large part in the manner in which he or she approaches the market. Even the most rational trader can fall victim to the faulty thinking I described above. Staying in complete control of your emotions, regardless of your previous trades, is essential for trading profitably. Your emotions cannot rule your trading methodology, which must remain constant regardless of your current situation.Imagine this scenario; one morning the market presents three very enticing, high percentage trade setups and you enter each one of these setups using proper technique. The results of your trading is fantastic, and you find yourself up $1600 because you are able to let a few of the trades run. The problem here is the exact opposite of the previous problem. It is not unusual to see a trader who is well into the money take a low percentage trade and increase the number of contracts he normally trades in hopes of "knocking one out of the park." Again, the results are disastrous. A low percentage trade can often result in a higher incidence of loss which is compounded by the added burden of adding additional contracts. Instead of having a very fine day of trading, the trader will often find himself losing all of his nice gain and perhaps ending up in the red. The thinking is the same as the trader who is losing money; he or she has allowed their emotions to enter into the e mini trading equation.Read mora about Trade in value for game This type of thinking is one of the most common downfalls of new and inexperienced traders. They deviate from their trading strategy based upon the emotional considerations, which have no place in e mini trading. It's essential to view the chart in front to you without prejudice or an emotional agenda. High percentage trades are the name of the game no matter what your account balance reads.I can't emphasize enough the importance of maintaining complete control of your emotions while trading e mini contracts, or any other financial instrument. Your emotions can cause you to make decisions that are irrational and poorly thought out. You must fight the temptation to fall into the emotional trading trap. It's no simple task, but it can be mastered through experience. Remember; money and trading your emotions are not your friend.For more info visit Trade in value for game     


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